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Dostojewski, Fjodor
Russland und Europa
Nicht nur die russische Politik, auch die westliche Berichterstattung über den Angriffskrieg Russlands greift immer wieder auf einen Fundus an Zuschreibungen zurück, in dem der den Russen so vertraute Dostojewski eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Sein Tagebuch eines Schriftstellers wurde lange vernachlässigt, dabei ist es nicht nur für sein literarisches Werk von zentraler Bedeutung.
Crime and Punishment
Rodion Raskolnikov is young, poor... and ambitious. He is convinced of the idea that "big people" must take what is rightfully theirs and that this distinguishes them from the "little people". They are even allowed to destroy "life unworthy of life". He argues with commanders like Napoleon: if they leave the field as victors, history remembers their great deeds and not the many thousands of murders that went along with them.
Crime and Punishment
Rodion Raskolnikov is young, poor... and ambitious. He is convinced of the idea that "big people" must take what is rightfully theirs and that this distinguishes them from the "little people". They are even allowed to destroy "life unworthy of life". He argues with commanders like Napoleon: if they leave the field as victors, history remembers their great deeds and not the many thousands of murders that went along with them.
Weiße Nächte
Die unvergessliche Liebesgeschichte von Fjodor Dostojewski.