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Gaida, Roman

Wirt.-Ing. Roman Gaida, MBA, (39, and a father of twins) is Head of EMEA at Mitsubishi Electric CNC Europe B. V. Former Machine Tool Operator now Tech Leader in a “Fortune 500” company with over 23 years of professional experience combined with entrepreneurial thinking and a strong ability for customer needs, leadership and cultural change. Before starting in this position in April 2018, Roman was Head of Sales & Marketing Europe and was responsible for all of the division’s European sales and marketing activities, including the Middle East and South Africa.

Prior to joining Mitsubishi Electric, Roman was Global Business Development and Segment Manager for Oerlikon and was responsible for all business development activities of the Nitriding Business of Precision Component worldwide. Roman earned an MBA from RWTH Aachen and St. Gallen University, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering.

He is an experienced leader in post-merger and change management processes on a global scale. Identify, develop and hiring talents is one of his key skills. He is keynote speaker and author (Campus Verlag) but also a frequent guest in podcasts and magazines (e.g Xing New Work Stories Podcast, Harvard Business Manager Magazine, Digikompetenz Podcast) for the topics leadership, digital & cultural transformation and how to combine family and career.

Digital Transformation is 10 % Tech and 90 % Human – Practical Example Mitsubishi Electric CNC</a>

Digital Transformation is 10 % Tech and 90 % Human – Practical Example Mitsubishi Electric CNC

by Roman Gaida (Head of Division EMEA, Mitsubishi Electric)from the handbook Digital Competence and Future SkillsParticularly in a world, in which the shortage of skilled people is increasingly becoming a challenge for companies, it is important to identify, promote and retain talent.

Digital Transformation is 10 % Tech and 90 % Human – Practical Example Mitsubishi Electric CNC</a>

Digital Transformation is 10 % Tech and 90 % Human – Practical Example Mitsubishi Electric CNC

by Roman Gaida (Head of Division EMEA, Mitsubishi Electric)from the handbook Digital Competence and Future SkillsParticularly in a world, in which the shortage of skilled people is increasingly becoming a challenge for companies, it is important to identify, promote and retain talent.

Working Dad</a>

Working Dad

Roman Gaida – Vater von vierjährigen Zwillingen und Topmanager – zeigt, wie man Karriere und Familie verbinden kann, ohne sich selbst, die Partnerin, die Kids oder den Job gänzlich zu vernachlässigen. Die Kunst dabei ist, die eigene Einstellung und individuelle Situation richtig zu durchdenken: Was sind jetzt die richtigen Karriereschritte? Was bedeutet Erfolg für mich? Was ist wichtig, was nice-to-have und wie finde ich den richtigen Arbeitgeber? Der Autor liefert dazu ein Set aus Hacks, Tools, Strategien und Quick-Wins, um die doppelte Herausforderung, die Kinder und Karriere mit sich bringen, zu meistern.