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Hirschfelder, Gunther

Prof. Dr. Gunther Hirschfelder lehrt Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft an der Universität Regensburg.

Foodguide Jüdische Küche</a>

Foodguide Jüdische Küche

Jüdische Küche ist heute in aller Munde: Kochbücher, Filme und Szenerestaurants vermitteln ein schillerndes Bild – das aber immer nur einen kleinen Ausschnitt zeigt. Die jüdische Küche ist ebenso alt wie vielfältig, weitverzweigt wie mehrdeutig.

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?</a>

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?

The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion.

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?</a>

Wer bestimmt, was wir essen?

The topic of nutrition has become a major issue since the turn of the millennium. Ethical aspects of nutrition are playing an increasingly important role in public discussions, alongside health considerations. What one should eat, and even what it is permissible to eat, is a matter of controversy and is charged with ideology and emotion.