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Mandalka, Gerhard J.

Gerhard J. Mandalka is an experienced coach with extensive expertise. He holds a master's degree in prevention and health psychology and a bachelor's degree in business psychology (B. A. ). In addition to his qualifications as a NLP Master, he has also set three world records.

Gerhard J. Mandalka is inspired to continue to educate himself and to serve as an example by coaching business owners, children, athletes and people who strive for change. As a coach and entrepreneur in the health sector (gym, physiotherapy, rehabilitation facility) he is committed to doing the right thing.

His new and innovative concept called "Life in Work®" will change the way we look at health and raise awareness that performance, well-being and attractiveness are far more important to us than health.

The focus of his coaching activities is always on making people aware of their own potential. This realization can burst dreams, but it also leads to relief and a willingness to accept oneself. This leads to a clearer vision of the future, the implementation of new behaviours and ultimately a happier life.

Gerhard J. Mandalka is convinced that illusions can easily be sold, but this is wrong. That is why he offers his readers an honest guide on how to change their lives.
With proper training to more energy and health</a>

With proper training to more energy and health

This book is about effective training. The author explains how the body works and how to design a workout that supports personal goals. It also provides information on metabolism, weight loss, muscle building and orthopaedic problems.The book offers a well-founded and understandable explanation of how the body works and how to design an effective workout.

Life in Work®</a>

Life in Work®

Das Buch zeigt, wie wir unsere Leistungsfähigkeit - sowohl körperlich als auch geistig - und Wohlbefinden steigern und dabei sowohl persönlichen als auch unternehmerischen Nutzen maximieren können."Life in Work® ist ein Konzept, das als Gegenentwurf zum Work-Life-Balance-Modell zu verstehen ist.



This version is the first edition of Impossible Goals in English.In this fourth version of the book, the author has taken into account the feedback of the readers and elaborated the core messages even more strongly, also graphically. Already the change of the preface has led some test readers to the realization: "I am currently not ready to tackle my goal, because I .

UnMögliche Ziele</a>

UnMögliche Ziele

Der Autor hat in dieser vierten Version des Buches das Feedback der Leser berücksichtigt und die Kernbotschaften noch stärker herausgearbeitet, auch grafisch. Schon die Änderung des Vorworts hat bei einigen Probelesern zu der Erkenntnis geführt: "Ich bin aktuell nicht bereit mein Ziel anzugehen, weil ich .