- Publikationen ca: 2
- Gefolgt von 1 Nutzern
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Matern, Stefan
Stefan Matern, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Edward L. Bernays’ Propagandatheorie
Edward L. Bernays is considered the father of public relations. In the 1920s the nephew of Sigmund Freud drafted a theory of propaganda in which the individual experiences the manipulation of an anthropologically superior elite as an expression of his own desires.
Edward L. Bernays’ Propagandatheorie
Edward L. Bernays is considered the father of public relations. In the 1920s the nephew of Sigmund Freud drafted a theory of propaganda in which the individual experiences the manipulation of an anthropologically superior elite as an expression of his own desires.