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Matern, Stefan

Stefan Matern, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Edward L. Bernays’ Propagandatheorie</a>

Edward L. Bernays’ Propagandatheorie

Edward L. Bernays is considered the father of public relations. In the 1920s the nephew of Sigmund Freud drafted a theory of propaganda in which the individual experiences the manipulation of an anthropologically superior elite as an expression of his own desires.

Edward L. Bernays’ Propagandatheorie</a>

Edward L. Bernays’ Propagandatheorie

Edward L. Bernays is considered the father of public relations. In the 1920s the nephew of Sigmund Freud drafted a theory of propaganda in which the individual experiences the manipulation of an anthropologically superior elite as an expression of his own desires.