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Myhrvold, Nathan

Nathan Myhrvold is the founder of Modernist Cuisine and the lead author of the Modernist Cuisine books. The series encompasses five indepth cookbooks that span the topics of bread, pizza, and modernist cooking techniques as well as two coffee table books that are dedicated to Myhrvold’s stunning food photography. He routinely pushes the boundaries of culinary science as a chef, photographer, scientist, and writer.
Modernist Bread at Home</a>

Modernist Bread at Home

Created by the same team behind the award-winning Modernist Bread, this new book reflects over four years of independent research into the fundamentals, methods, and science of making bread. Now all that wisdom has been distilled down into a 420-page, easy-to-use single volume, designed for home bakers.

Modernist Bread at Home</a>

Modernist Bread at Home

Modernist Bread at Home ist ein unverzichtbares Buch für alle, die leidenschaftlich gern eigenes Brot backen. Es wurde vom selben Team entwickelt, das auch das preisgekrönte Werk Modernist Bread herausgebracht hat, und ist das Ergebnis von mehr als vier Jahren unabhängiger Forschung über die Grundlagen, Methoden und Wissenschaft des Brotbackens.