Kein Foto

Ojala, Jani

I'm a 25-year-old writer and 26 soon.

I collected 12 surviving characters from old stories and added a fantasy-element. This is my first time ever writing magic! Hopefully you'll feel as fulfilled reading it as I did writing it!

--Jani Ojala, 18.12.2022.
They Sang for That Island</a>

They Sang for That Island

It's 1887 and Marshall Marston is hiding from some sour after-effects of the American Civil War with his family in Mexico. He decides to impart wisdom on his oldest son and heir, Lori. These are turbulent times, the South has gone crazy and only further South, is where the misunderstood family can regroup and get their last chance at redemption.

What Mynos Saw</a>

What Mynos Saw

NEW SAND FOR OLD GLASS: First PrequelIt's the year 800 and Mynos lives in his family's old home with his pet-wolf and pet-sheep. Their family was a staple of a growing farming-community in Southwest Finland. Now there's two of them left. Now, middle-brother Veros is the only one still looking after Mynos.

Broken Shadows</a>

Broken Shadows

The 2030s are here. A new decade commences for the casts of The Coleman Stories, Overbite and Oulunsalo Fiction. Old world's magics, that allowed life's delicate balance to exist for a moonage, revolt against mankind's excess. Sammy Sieppi's boss, Sandking has a recluse younger brother Maskmaker, whom has stolen the answer to one of life's quintessential questions: "what happens after we die?".