Cover: They Sang for That Island
Jani Ojala
They Sang for That Island
- New Sand for Old Glass, Prequel No. 2
ISBN: 978-9-528-01857-5
236 Seiten | € 19.50
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Jani Ojala

They Sang for That Island

New Sand for Old Glass, Prequel No. 2

It's 1887 and Marshall Marston is hiding from some sour after-effects of the American Civil War with his family in Mexico. He decides to impart wisdom on his oldest son and heir, Lori. These are turbulent times, the South has gone crazy and only further South, is where the misunderstood family can regroup and get their last chance at redemption. These are the beginnings of the Marston-dynasty, and of their control over the magical entity, the Absolution-Spear.

As the journey points them southwards, Lori and his friend Gonzo Rains set sail for the Saboga-island in Panama. This island has been devastated by a terrible wave, and little life is left. Life, that the sailors see as a new prospect; new resources up for collecting. But they have only learned what the tide has taken away; they will take years to understand just what has survived.

It's been over a thousand years since the events of WHAT MYNOS SAW, and the Seers are helpless when they watch a lightning hit the Earth from the Moon. What begins from a chase down in the Mexican forests, sets the stage for a battle where lives and entire lineages are at-stake. During this years-long pursuit for power, a battle is fought with bullets, betrayals, spears and conspiracies. Two families are in a race for an absolute prize and their offspring are born into this race. Their children grow up in this race. They wear crowns, and wield weapons that hold such power they couldn't conceive of, even if it was explained...

And the island sees it all.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 348 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 19.50
Preis ATEUR 20.10
Auflage1. Auflage
ReiheNew Sand for Old Glass 0

Über die Autorin

I'm a 25-year-old writer and 26 soon.

I collected 12 surviving characters from old stories and added a fantasy-element. This is my first time ever writing magic! Hopefully you'll feel as fulfilled reading it as I did writing it!

--Jani Ojala, 18.12.2022.

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