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Qaiser, Jamal

The German-Pakistani entrepreneur, writer, Peace Activist and Social Potential Advisor Jamal Qaiser, is an OPM Graduate of the prestigious Harvard Business School, Post-Graduate of The Globe Business College Munich and has completed a course in "Transition to Leadership" from Oxford University. Jamal Qaiser advises various companies and political parties, NGOs, humanist organizations and governmental apparatus. Since 2016 he has advised as UN-Commissioner for UN-Affairs for the Diplomatic Council the economic and UN Social Council - one think tank at the United Nations has the highest consultative status, i.e. the Economic and Social Council of the UN. His book published in 2016: "Der fremde Erfolgsfaktor - Why we urgently need immigrants in Germany", attracted a great deal of attention both nationally and internationally. In the same year he won the international get Abstract Book Award with his work from a selection of over 10,000 non-fiction books. Jamal Qaiser also supports Ubiquity University in transformative education for social impact as Special Liaison to the United Nations.

As a published academic and renowned business and social-political consultant, Mr. Qaiser’s contributions to global organizations such as the United Nations, The WTO, The German Federal Ministry of Commerce and ASEAN have been significant. He has also worked tirelessly as an entrepreneur and an innovator, driv- ing multi-million-dollar business ventures as the CEO of Qaiser Equity Investments. Perhaps most telling are his life-changing contributions to humanitarian and philanthropic efforts in Pakistan and around the world through the charity “Humanity First".

Kampf um Taiwan</a>

Kampf um Taiwan

Der Machtkampf zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der Volksrepublik China um die globale Vorrangstellung spitzt sich immer mehr zu. Die kleine Insel Taiwan – amtlich die „Republik China“ –stellt in diesem Spannungsfeld das „Zünglein an der Waage“ dar, das die offene Feindschaft in einen Krieg der beiden Supermächte verwandeln könnte.

Kampf um Taiwan</a>

Kampf um Taiwan

Der Machtkampf zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der Volksrepublik China um die globale Vorrangstellung spitzt sich immer mehr zu. Die kleine Insel Taiwan – amtlich die „Republik China“ –stellt in diesem Spannungsfeld das „Zünglein an der Waage“ dar, das die offene Feindschaft in einen Krieg der beiden Supermächte verwandeln könnte.

The Battle for Taiwan</a>

The Battle for Taiwan

The power struggle between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (PRC) for global supremacy is coming to a head. The small island of Taiwan – officially the "Republic of China" – represents the "tipping point" in this area of conflict, which could turn open hostility into a war between the two superpowers.

The Battle for Taiwan</a>

The Battle for Taiwan

The power struggle between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (PRC) for global supremacy is coming to a head. The small island of Taiwan – officially the "Republic of China" – represents the "tipping point" in this area of conflict, which could turn open hostility into a war between the two superpowers.

The Nuclear Threat</a>

The Nuclear Threat

The nuclear threat comes from two directions. Firstly, as a result of a possible catastrophe, a maximum conceivable accident that can be assumed, in the peaceful use of nuclear power for energy supply. Secondly, from a likely military escalation to nuclear war.

The Nuclear Threat</a>

The Nuclear Threat

The nuclear threat comes from two directions. Firstly, as a result of a possible catastrophe, a maximum conceivable accident that can be assumed, in the peaceful use of nuclear power for energy supply. Secondly, from a likely military escalation to nuclear war.

Die atomare Bedrohung</a>

Die atomare Bedrohung

Die atomare Bedrohung kommt aus zwei Richtungen. Erstens in Folge eines möglichen GAU, des größten anzunehmenden Unfalls, bei der friedlichen Nutzung der Kernkraft zur Energieversorgung. Zweitens aus der militärischen Eskalation bis hin zum Atomkrieg.

Die atomare Bedrohung</a>

Die atomare Bedrohung

Die atomare Bedrohung kommt aus zwei Richtungen. Erstens in Folge eines möglichen GAU, des größten anzunehmenden Unfalls, bei der friedlichen Nutzung der Kernkraft zur Energieversorgung. Zweitens aus der militärischen Eskalation bis hin zum Atomkrieg.

Kampf um Taiwan</a>

Kampf um Taiwan

Der Machtkampf zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der Volksrepublik China um die globale Vorrangstellung spitzt sich immer mehr zu. Die kleine Insel Taiwan – amtlich die „Republik China“ –stellt in diesem Spannungsfeld das „Zünglein an der Waage“ dar, das die offene Feindschaft in einen Krieg der beiden Supermächte verwandeln könnte.

Kampf um Taiwan</a>

Kampf um Taiwan

Der Machtkampf zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der Volksrepublik China um die globale Vorrangstellung spitzt sich immer mehr zu. Die kleine Insel Taiwan – amtlich die „Republik China“ –stellt in diesem Spannungsfeld das „Zünglein an der Waage“ dar, das die offene Feindschaft in einen Krieg der beiden Supermächte verwandeln könnte.

Afghanistan – The Battered Land</a>

Afghanistan – The Battered Land

The war in Afghanistan is one of the longest-running wars. However, with the Taliban taking complete control of Afghanistan, we still hope that the country housing over 30 million people can stabilize itself. For this purpose, it is essential to discuss the complexity of the Afghan war and what can be the way forward.

Afghanistan – The Battered Land</a>

Afghanistan – The Battered Land

The war in Afghanistan is one of the longest-running wars. However, with the Taliban taking complete control of Afghanistan, we still hope that the country housing over 30 million people can stabilize itself. For this purpose, it is essential to discuss the complexity of the Afghan war and what can be the way forward.