Cover: The Nuclear Threat
Jamal Qaiser
The Nuclear Threat
- The risks of nuclear power are enormous
ISBN: 978-3-986-74048-1
252 Seiten | € 19.00
Buch [BA]
Jamal Qaiser

The Nuclear Threat

The risks of nuclear power are enormous

The nuclear threat comes from two directions. Firstly, as a result of a possible catastrophe, a maximum conceivable accident that can be assumed, in the peaceful use of nuclear power for energy supply. Secondly, from a likely military escalation to nuclear war. As different as both scenarios are, the consequences can be similarly devastating. In addition, there is the yet unresolved question of "where to dispose of radioactive waste". This question is still unresolved, not only in Germany, but around the globe.
Nevertheless, a renaissance of nuclear power is imminent for several reasons. New mini-reactors promise energy right where it is needed – and big money for investors. The commercial exploitation of nuclear fusion is on the verge of a breakthrough. So far, all nuclear reactors have "only" worked with nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion, which is many times more powerful, has so far only been used in two places: in the sun and other stars, and in atomic bombs. Moreover,  there is the foreseeable use of nuclear power in the forthcoming conquest of space, for example to supply energy to settlements on the moon and Mars. Above all, the Damocles sword of military use is hovering in the face of new types of weapons from drones with artificial intelligence and killer satellites in space. The escalation of the conflicts between the United States of America, Russia and China makes the nuclear threat as topical today as it was during the Cold War.

Qaiser, Jamal
DC Publishing

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Veröffentlichung: 04.10.2022
Seiten 252
Art des Mediums Buch [BA]
Preis DE EUR 19.00
Preis AT EUR 19.60
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-986-74048-1
ISBN-10 3986740481

Über den Autor

The German-Pakistani entrepreneur, writer, Peace Activist and Social Potential Advisor Jamal Qaiser, is an OPM Graduate of the prestigious Harvard Business School, Post-Graduate of The Globe Business College Munich and has completed a course in "Transition to Leadership" from Oxford University. Jamal Qaiser advises various companies and political parties, NGOs, humanist organizations and governmental apparatus. Since 2016 he has advised as UN-Commissioner for UN-Affairs for the Diplomatic Council the economic and UN Social Council - one think tank at the United Nations has the highest consultative status, i.e. the Economic and Social Council of the UN. His book published in 2016: "Der fremde Erfolgsfaktor - Why we urgently need immigrants in Germany", attracted a great deal of attention both nationally and internationally. In the same year he won the international get Abstract Book Award with his work from a selection of over 10,000 non-fiction books. Jamal Qaiser also supports Ubiquity University in transformative education for social impact as Special Liaison to the United Nations.

As a published academic and renowned business and social-political consultant, Mr. Qaiser’s contributions to global organizations such as the United Nations, The WTO, The German Federal Ministry of Commerce and ASEAN have been significant. He has also worked tirelessly as an entrepreneur and an innovator, driv- ing multi-million-dollar business ventures as the CEO of Qaiser Equity Investments. Perhaps most telling are his life-changing contributions to humanitarian and philanthropic efforts in Pakistan and around the world through the charity “Humanity First".

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