Cover: Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery
Don Haupt
Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery
- Lektüre mit herausnehmbarer Vokabelkarte, inkl. Hörbuch für Smartphone + Tablet
ISBN: 978-3-125-30907-4
109 Seiten | € 6.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Don Haupt

Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery

Lektüre mit herausnehmbarer Vokabelkarte, inkl. Hörbuch für Smartphone + Tablet

4.7/5.00 bei 19 Reviews - aus dem Web

It is early Friday morning and Detective Inspector Young and his team have been called to Buckingham Palace. A truly awful crime has taken place: Skiddi, the Queen’s favourite corgi, has disappeared! The team are hoping to solve the case quickly, but things turn out to be … very puzzling and certainly far more complicated than expected. Will they find all the clues, follow the right leads and catch the culprit? Will they be in time to save Skiddi? The clock is ticking …

Haupt, Don
Klett Sprachen GmbH

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Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2020
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 19,7 cm / B 12,7 cm / 182 g
Seiten 109
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 6.99
Preis AT EUR 7.20
Reihe Team Reader
ISBN-13 978-3-125-30907-4
ISBN-10 3125309077

Über die Autorin

Don Haupt was born and raised in Germany. In 1989 he moved to the US where he graduated from Sherrard High School, Illinois. Back in Germany he also got the German Abitur and did various odd jobs before he took up language studies at the University of Stuttgart, Germany and the University of Leicester, England. In 2000 he graduated with a Master’s Degree in English (focus on Literature) and Linguistics.
Today, Don is living in a small German town near Stuttgart, with his wife, daughter and dog “Buddy” and two cats. He works part time as editor of English and has more than 20 years of experience in children/young adult literature and teaching/teacher materials.
His favourite books are exciting stories with twists and unexpected endings.

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