Cover: Arctic Governance Through Conferencing
Beate Steinveg
Arctic Governance Through Conferencing
- Actors, Agendas and Arenas
ISBN: 978-3-031-23332-6
169 Seiten | € 96.29
E-Book [Kindle]
Beate Steinveg

Arctic Governance Through Conferencing

Actors, Agendas and Arenas

This book examines the functions of conferences within Arctic governance, as a third dimension between sovereign states and formalized cooperative arrangements. It analyzes conferences against the background of three main empirical topics. Firstly, the functions of conferences for different actor groups, both Arctic rights holders and emerging non-Arctic state actors claiming stakeholder status. From this, the book also analyzes how conferences contribute to altering the actor composition of Arctic governance as a whole. Secondly, conferences as agenda setting arenas – whether conference activities can contribute to influencing the broader agenda in the region, and conferences as arenas for agenda setting – whether participants can bring with them topics that are picked up and brought into other processes. Thirdly, the book considers the space for conferences within broader governance architectures, as links between units in the regime complex.
The book further presents an in-depth case study of the two largest conferences on Arctic issues: the Arctic Frontiers and Arctic Circle Assembly. It illustrates the diverse functions conferences can have for elements within a broader governance system, beyond serving as meeting places and networking arenas. Therefore, it is a must-read for researchers, students, and policy-makers interested in a better understanding of Arctic governance in particular, and International Relations in general.

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Veröffentlichung: 10.02.2023
Seiten 169
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 96.29
Preis AT EUR 99.00
Reihe Frontiers in International Relations
ISBN-13 978-3-031-23332-6
ISBN-10 3031233328

Über den Autor

Beate Steinveg is an Associate Professor at Nord University. Steinveg holds a Ph.D. in political science from UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. Steinveg was a visiting scholar at Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at University of California, Santa Barbara in 2018. Her research interests are within international affairs and Arctic governance, including geopolitics, stakeholder interests, agenda setting, foreign policy conduct and IR.

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