Cover: Identities in touch between East and West: 11th to 21st century
Luciano Gallinari
Identities in touch between East and West: 11th to 21st century
ISBN: 978-3-034-34497-5
266 Seiten | € 62.95
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Luciano Gallinari

Identities in touch between East and West: 11th to 21st century

This book is one of the publications of the bilateral Egyptian-Italian
research project “Intercultural Relations between East and
West from the 11th to 21st century” funded by Academy of Scientific
Research and Technology (ASRT) and the National Research
Council (CNR) (2019–2021). The book previews some of
the research presented in the 2nd international webinar organised
by the project in May 2021 entitled “Art, Culture and Trade
as Evidence of Bonds between East and West: 11th to 21st century”.
In that webinar, researchers from Italian, Egyptian, Hungarian
and Belgian Universities highlighted some topics focusing on
intercultural bonds between the Western and the Islamic worlds.
In the book, we have chosen to deal with multi-layer concepts
such as “Identity”, “Otherness”, “Diversity” and “Minorities” declined
in the relationships between East and West.

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Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 22,5 cm / B 15,5 cm / 392 g
Seiten 266
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 62.95
Preis AT EUR 64.70
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Identities / Identités / Identidades 12
ISBN-13 978-3-034-34497-5
ISBN-10 303434497X

Über den Autor

Heba Abdelnaby is a professor of Islamic archaeology and former
vice dean for graduate studies and research at the Faculty of Tourism
and Hotels, Alexandria University. She was a visiting scholar/
professor at several distinguished institutions such as Max Planck
Institute for the History of Science, George Washington University
and Mary Baldwin University.

Luciano Gallinari is a researcher at the CNR-ISEM. He has completed
his PhD in Histoire et Civilisations (EHESS, Paris). He is the Italian
PI of the bilateral projects between the CNR (Italy) and the ASRT
(Egypt) entitled “Peace Building between East and West (XI-XVI
c.)” (2015-2017) and “Intercultural influence between East and West:
11th-21st c.” (2018-2020).

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