Cover: Natural Law & Government
Joseph Drew
Natural Law & Government
- After the COVID-19 Revolution
ISBN: 978-9-811-92435-4
162 Seiten | € 128.39
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Joseph Drew

Natural Law & Government

After the COVID-19 Revolution

Since the dawn of civilisation philosophers and sages alike have been concerned about the potential for government to become a Leviathan-like monster. In this book Professor Drew shows how a careful application of natural law principles can mitigate this threat of Leviathan and also contribute to the flourishing of people.

To do so Natural Law and Government examines the trade-off between human dignity and the common good during the public policy response to COVID-19. Specifically, Professor Drew details his concerns regarding the emergence of concentrations of power and competence in government – changes that have sadly given rise to the repression of the vitality of citizens.

This ground-breaking work explains the changes to thinking, institutions and public management that are necessary for people to reclaim their right to thrive as humans. In sum, this is a handbook for what needs to be done after the COVID-19 revolution.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 23,5 cm / B 15,5 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 128.39
Preis ATEUR 131.99
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Über den Autor

Joseph Drew is Associate Professor of Public Policy and Local Government in the Institute for Public Policy & Governance at the University of Technology Sydney and adjunct Professor at the Department of Business Administration, Tokyo Metropolitan University. His research interests focus on public finance, performance measurement, local government structural reform, natural law philosophy and governance. Previously he worked in executive positions in the retail banking sector. His work has been recognised in the 2004 Australian College of Educators awards and he is the recipient of the University Medal (Griffith University, 2003) and the D H Drummond award (University of New England, 2014). Recent publications have appeared in Public Administration, Local Government Studies, Public Money & Management, Public Administration Quarterly, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, the Australian Journal of Public Administration, and Policy & Politics. He has consulted with numerous Victorian, Tasmanian, South Australian and New South Wales councils on accounting, finance and economic matters. Joseph has also been called as an expert witness for multiple Australian State and Federal Government Upper House inquiries into local public finance, as well as working on a number of projects of national significance abroad. His new book – Reforming Local Government – BECAME available from Springer IN September 2020. Joseph serves on the Editorial Board of Australia’s highest ranked public administration journal – the Australian Journal of Public Administration.

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