Cover: overCARING
Christopher Reusch
- underCARING
ISBN: 978-3-347-57780-0
92 Seiten | € 40.00
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Christopher Reusch



Where should I start? Have I ever stopped like this? I mean, started. Have I? Cannot remember having done so and yet it seems familiar.

This book is new. It is nothing I have ever done, but it too feels familiar. Almost like I have already written it once. Twice. Thrice. Thrice he spoke and then fell silent.

This book has something to do with . . . cannot remember. It has left me, this wisdom. This knowledge of mine, which I held so dearly.

Never. Never again must they be allowed to treat us like this. Never.

The end.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 19 cm / B 12 cm / 204 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 40.00
Preis ATEUR 40.00

Über den Autor

My name is Christopher Reusch. I was born on 6 February 1989 in Lüdenscheid. In 2014, I completed my bachelor's degree in environmental engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen. Afterwards, I decided to complete another degree programme, which would take me to South Africa. There I spent about 1.5 years researching vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) in the South African savannah. I then graduated in 2020 with an M.Sc. in Wildlife. After my studies, I felt that I was different. After all, I had lived for several months in a small nature reserve, in the South African savannah. Surrounded by crocodiles, giraffes, snakes, scorpions, monkeys and various species of antelopes and birds, I had made experiences that changed my life. Experiences that changed me before I even realised it. The time during my studies helped me to get to know myself better and I went from being a committed atheist to a spiritual person. I became heavily involved with the teachings of spiritual masters and was initiated into Reiki Grade 1 in March 2020. But the journey did not stop there and so, in October 2020, I decided to turn my life upside down once again. I made the decision to spend as much time as I could on the question of what I actually wanted, until I had an answer. I found this answer and it was not an easy path to get there. I reached my limits several times and had to get to know myself all over again. Finally I knew that I wanted to write a book and so I wrote the first draft of a book called 'The Book of Fear'. Who am I, you ask? Maybe I am my achievements or my experiences. Probably I am the only one who knows who I am. One thing is clear though. I have learned to question the world that surrounds me and to draw my own conclusions. I don't fit into any pigeonhole because I am an individual. I am someone who has learned to recognise my limits and redefine myself. If you want to know more about me, my podcast and other projects, take a look at my website:

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