Cover: Quo Vadis, Sovereignty?
Marina Timoteo
Quo Vadis, Sovereignty?
- New Conceptual and Regulatory Boundaries in the Age of Digital China
ISBN: 978-3-031-41565-4
222 Seiten | € 128.39
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Marina Timoteo

Quo Vadis, Sovereignty?

New Conceptual and Regulatory Boundaries in the Age of Digital China

This book presents an interdisciplinary exploration of digital sovereignty in China, which are addressed mainly from political, legal and historical point of views. The text leverages a large number of native Chinese experts among the authors at a time when literature on China’s involvement in internet governance is more widespread in the so-called “West”. Numerous Chinese-language documents have been analysed in the making of this title and furthermore, literature conceptualising digital sovereignty is still limited to journal articles, making this one of the earliest collective attempts at defining this concept in the form of a book. Such characteristics position this text as an innovative academic resource for students, researchers and practitioners in international relations (IR), law, history, media studies and philosophy.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 23,5 cm / B 15,5 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 128.39
Preis ATEUR 131.99
Auflage1. Auflage
ReihePhilosophical Studies Series

Über die Autorin

Marina Timoteo is full professor of Comparative Private Law at the Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna, where she also teaches ‘Asian Countries Law’ and ‘Law and Business in China’. She is specialized in contemporary Chinese law (focus on digital innovation and law) and Europe – China legal relations.
Barbara Verri is a scholar who is specialized in comparative law, with a specific focus on Chinese and Hong Kong legal system. She obtained a PhD in Comparative and European Legal Studies at the University of Trento in 2015. Thereafter, she worked as a research fellow, as an adjunct professor and now as Junior Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna, where she teaches Law and Business in China and Private Comparative Law.
Riccardo Nanni is a researcher specialised in Internet and data governance. He obtained a PhD in International Relations at the University of Bologna in 2022 with a thesis on the influence of Chinese stakeholders in Internet governance and is currently working on the concepts and practices of data governance at Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

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