Cover: Securitising Decolonisation
Julius Heise
Securitising Decolonisation
- The Silencing of Ewe and Togoland Unification under United Nations Trusteeship, 1945-1960
ISBN: 978-3-839-47306-1
422 Seiten | €
E-Book [Kindle]
Julius Heise

Securitising Decolonisation

The Silencing of Ewe and Togoland Unification under United Nations Trusteeship, 1945-1960

With the right to petition the United Nations, the Ewe and Togoland unification movement enjoyed a privilege unmatched by other dependent peoples. Using language conveying insecurity, the movement seized the international spotlight, ensuring that the topic of unification dominated the UN Trusteeship System for over a decade. Yet, its vociferous securitisations fell silent due to colonial distortion, leaving unification unfulfilled, thus allowing the seeds of secessionist conflict to grow. At the intersection of postcolonial theory and security studies, Julius Heise presents a theory-driven history of Togoland's path to independence, offering a crucial lesson for international statebuilding efforts.

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Art des MediumsE-Book [Kindle]
Auflage1. Auflage
ReihePostcolonial Studies 51

Über den Autor

Julius Heise, born in 1989, completed his doctorate at the Center for Conflict Studies (CCS) at Philipps-Universität Marburg and the Collaborative Research Center »Dynamics of Security«. His research encompasses post- and decolonial approaches to decolonisation and statebuilding, emphasizing Critical Security Studies within Conflict Studies.

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