Cover: The Moderate Majority
George Hawley
The Moderate Majority
- Real GOP Voters and the Myth of Mass Republican Radicalization
ISBN: 978-3-111-46972-0
192 Seiten | € 99.95
George Hawley

The Moderate Majority

Real GOP Voters and the Myth of Mass Republican Radicalization

The Moderate Majority examines the Republican electorate and challenges the conventional narrative that today’s Republicans are all radicalized, reactionary ideologues. It illuminates the substantial gap between the elites and diverse, mostly moderate rank-and-file GOP voters. With a historically grounded, mixed-methods approach that draws on a rich collection of empirical survey data and face-to-face interviews, this book presents a comprehensive portrait of contemporary mass Republican opinion and behavior.

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Über den Autor

George Hawley is an associate professor of political science at the University of Alabama. He is the author of eight books, including Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism (2016) and Conservatism in a Divided America: The Right and Identity Politics (2022).

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