Cover: The Styles in the American Politics Volume II: Conservative Think Tanks and Their Foreign Policy
Radosław Fiedler
The Styles in the American Politics Volume II: Conservative Think Tanks and Their Foreign Policy
- A Booklet
ISBN: 978-3-384-13035-8
204 Seiten | € 19.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Radosław Fiedler

The Styles in the American Politics Volume II: Conservative Think Tanks and Their Foreign Policy

A Booklet

The Styles in The American Politics Volume II follows a different storyline! As an independent individual descriptive booklet based on personal love and passion in this field and without considering formal affiliations with any institute, We first start with the philosophy underlying the existence of the American think tanks, in general, using a narrative analysis method. We move forward and make a general analysis regarding the role of conservative think tanks shaping the foreign policy of the united states, our next step is to shed light on the most influential conservative think tanks in the political history of the U.S using a historical -descriptive approach.
Finally, we will conclude our discussion by showing how conservatism, as a style in American Politics, influences the interconnected layers of some of these think tanks, public policy and also the common people; we have included some “Did you know?...” sections to include some extra information regarding some notions in final chapters.

Fiedler, Radosław

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Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 301 g
Seiten 204
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 19.00
Preis AT EUR 19.00
ISBN-13 978-3-384-13035-8
ISBN-10 3384130359

Über den Autor

Born on the 28th of January, 1996 in a family who love art, literature and history. Ellias soon found his taste in literature and especially poetry. He wrote his first limerick when was 12 years old. Later on when he was 14, books like “the peace book by Todd Parr”, “let there be peace on earth: and let it begin with me by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller” , “What does peace feel like? By Vladimir Radunsky “helped him to get familiar with the essence of peace. Reading poems by Calude Mckay , Wendell Berry and Robert Frost in that age inspired him to start writing poems in a more serious way, sonnets of Shakespeare were also good sources of inspiration for him. So when he was 16, Ellias wrote the book called: “International Poems Collection” the book got the first provincial place in the most famous competition of inventions in Iran , “Kharazmi ” and the fifth place in the country competition, yet to be the only project of its kind. This book received confirmations from the University of Isfahan and now is being preserved in the ministry of science and research and technology. Next year, Ellias with the cooperation of two hardworking and creative friends, (Hosein Heidari and Hooman Danesh) wrote another poetry booked called: A Path to Salvation. This book also won Kharazmi awards. His Excellency, Dr. Zarif, wrote a thanks letter for Ellias for the book since it includes some nice and extraordinary elements of literature, humanity, peace and international relations. Other literary academicals project he’s worked on are: “Death of Sarah Black, Explosion of apartheid and the footstep of Apartheid in Vietnam”. Ellias is going to publish another poetry collection named “Peace Poems” in the close future. He’s currently the Director manager of M.O.P academy

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