Cover: TOP Leadership und Safety Management
Herbert Willerth
TOP Leadership und Safety Management
- Englische Ausgabe
ISBN: 978-3-991-51258-5
288 Seiten | € 59.80
Buch [BA]
Herbert Willerth

TOP Leadership und Safety Management

Englische Ausgabe

Managers are faced with various tasks and challenges that they must overcome. The focus must be on workplace safety, health, and the environment. This obligation is a crucial aspect of sustainability management within a company. It is essential to create an attractive and safe workplace environment to keep employees healthy and motivated at work.
This book presents a wealth of recommendations, guidelines, and techniques to aid in the successful implementation of your safety and health management plan. Building trust and creating a motivating environment within the team can contribute to sustainable organisation success. The aim of this book is to enable managers to achieve high performance through leadership: “Leaders create followers, but they create leaders, too!”

The author describes his extensive practical experience, which he has gained during his work from laboratory technician to board member, and shows which priorities need to be set to be a successful leader. The importance of a sustainable health and safety strategy is underlined by the principle: “If you can’t do it safely, don’t do it at all.”

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Veröffentlichung: 16.01.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24 cm / B 16,5 cm / 761 g
Seiten 288
Art des Mediums Buch [BA]
Preis DE EUR 59.80
Preis AT EUR 59.80
ISBN-13 978-3-991-51258-5
ISBN-10 3991512580

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