Cover: Feature-Driven Development Unleashed
Michael R. Bennett
Feature-Driven Development Unleashed
- Mastering the Art of Efficient and Collaborative Software Engineering
ISBN: 978-3-384-17059-0
104 Seiten | € 29.99
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Michael R. Bennett

Feature-Driven Development Unleashed

Mastering the Art of Efficient and Collaborative Software Engineering

In "Feature-Driven Development Unleashed: Mastering the Art of Efficient and Collaborative Software Engineering," Michael R. Bennett offers a deep dive into the transformative world of Feature-Driven Development (FDD). This book serves as a comprehensive guide, meticulously detailing how FDD revolutionizes the approach to software engineering by prioritizing feature-centric methodologies that enhance efficiency and foster collaboration among teams.
Bennett skillfully demystifies the core principles of FDD, providing readers with a clear roadmap for implementing this agile framework within their own projects. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical examples, the book illustrates the seamless integration of FDD into the modern software development lifecycle, emphasizing its capacity to streamline processes and reduce time-to-market for new features.
Beyond a mere introduction to FDD, Bennett delves into advanced strategies, tools, and best practices that empower software engineers and project managers to harness the full potential of FDD. He addresses common challenges encountered in adopting FDD and offers actionable solutions, ensuring readers are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of modern software projects.
"Feature-Driven Development Unleashed" is not just a manual for implementing FDD; it's a manifesto for a more collaborative, efficient, and effective approach to software engineering. Whether you're new to FDD or looking to refine your existing practices, Bennett's insights will inspire you to unleash the power of features in driving your software development success.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 295 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 29.99
Preis ATEUR 29.99

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