Cover: 24/7 Time Management
Tim Reichel
24/7 Time Management
- The definitive time management book for those who don’t have time to read time management books (principles, methods and examples for quick wins and lasting improvements)
ISBN: 978-3-985-97082-7
157 Seiten | € 14.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Tim Reichel

24/7 Time Management

The definitive time management book for those who don’t have time to read time management books (principles, methods and examples for quick wins and lasting improvements)

4.4/5.00 bei 6 Reviews - aus dem Web

Too busy to enjoy your life?
24 hours, 7 days a week, we muddle through life. Work, family, friends, hobbies. I bet you feel like the rest of humanity: You're pretty busy trying to get your daily life together. There is hardly any time left for special moments, desires, or life dreams. But that's about to change!

No time for time management
You know why your to-do list is endless and your calendar is filled to burst: Your time management is poor. You'd like to change your situation — but ironically, you just don't have the time. This book is your salvation! Invest a little time in reading it and you will get a high return. It's a time management book for those who don't have time to read a time management book.

24+7 timesavers for more productivity and focus
This is not just another guidebook, but a modern toolbox. You'll get only what you really need: 24 concrete methods and 7 sustainable principles that will help you improve your time management immediately and at the same time achieve long-term effects for your whole life.

7 time management principles
Learn the 7 core principles on which successful time management is based. These timeless concepts have been used for hundreds of years and followed by the greatest personalities in human history. In any book, seminar, or video course on the subject, these 7 principles can be found:
-Set goals
-Define priorities
-Make plans
-Generate focus
-Work efficiently
-Establish habits
-Never give up

24 time management methods
You will also learn 24 time management methods that will help you organize your professional and private life. These are the best-known and most effective techniques currently available. Some of them are among the basics of time management; others are so modern that they draw on the results of behavioral research, giving you a serious competitive advantage. 24 practical tools await you which you can try out at will and use according to your personal preference:
-Eat-that-frog method
-Pareto effect
-SMART formula
-Focus question
-Salami slicing tactics
-Eisenhower matrix
-ALPEN method
-Getting things done
-Performance curve
-Planning levels
-Parkinson's law
-Time boxing
-Task chunking
-Pomodoro technique
-Single tasking
-Two-minute rule
-Speed reading
-Time balance model
-KonMari method
-Not-to-do list
-VIP list
-Non-zero days

Less theory, more practice
To keep the whole thing from being dry theory, you'll get examples and best practice instructions for uncomplicated application at every opportunity. Each time management technique is condensed into four pages and divided into efficient sections. In addition, you'll receive exercises for each chapter so that you can directly apply what you have read. So, you can get started right away and make the most of this guide.

Concentrated and focused work
Concentrated action is the basis for productive work, but even the sharpest focus won't help you if you use it incorrectly. That's why you'll learn, not only how to overcome distractions as well as procrastination, but also how to set smart priorities and make plans in this book.

More time, less stress, and a better life!
Time management is not boring or complicated. If you get it right, it's fun and a natural rhythm that guides you reliably through your day. It's the only way to take back control of your life, reduce your stress, and end up with more free time. This is how you achieve a healthy work-life balance. This book will change your life - it's your path to a stress-free, successful, and happy future.

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Original Titel24/7-Zeitmanagement
Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21,6 cm / B 14 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 14.99
Preis ATEUR 14.99
Auflage1. Auflage

Über den Autor

Tim Reichel ist Autor, Wissenschaftler und Unternehmer. Er ist einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Autoren zum Thema Zeitmanagement und bekannt u. a. aus SZ, FAZ, »Zeit« und ZDF. Er studierte Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, promovierte an der RWTH Aachen und betreut dort industrienahe Forschungsprojekte. 2014 gründete er die Plattform »«, die dabei hilft, erfolgreich zu studieren.

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