Cover: A Special Life
Tanja Begerack
A Special Life
- The story of a life
ISBN: 978-3-347-92818-3
216 Seiten | € 21.90
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Tanja Begerack

A Special Life

The story of a life

5.0/5.00 bei 8 Reviews - aus dem Web

Immerse yourself in my world, a life shaped by extraordinary experiences and a belief in the supernatural.

From my poignant childhood, where I first made contact with spirits, to paranormal encounters and near-death experiences, my extraordinary journey unfolds. These encounters have not only profoundly transformed my own life but will also challenge your perspective on the world.

Despite significant physical disabilities, I have learned to harness my thoughts and beliefs as driving forces to positively shape my life and pursue my dreams. In "A Special Life," I share valuable advice, offering you the opportunity to discover your own thoughts and dreams as keys to a fulfilled existence.

This book is much more than an autobiography; it is a treasure trove of inspiration and courage. Allow yourself to be captivated by my story, expanding your own perspective on the supernatural and the boundless power of thoughts. "A Special Life - Die Geschichte eines Lebens" will not only provoke contemplation but also empower you to forge your own path and fearlessly pursue your dreams.

Take a glimpse into a world beyond the ordinary and let my extraordinary and multifaceted life story touch you.

Begerack, Tanja

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Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 19 cm / B 12,5 cm / 320 g
Seiten 216
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 21.90
Preis AT EUR 21.90
Reihe A special life
ISBN-13 978-3-347-92818-3
ISBN-10 3347928180

Über die Autorin

Sie wurde am 23.06.1984 in München geboren und wuchs dort als Einzelkind auf. Im Alter von 10 Jahren zog sie zusammen mit ihrer Mutter nach Landshut. Zwischendurch lebten beide für zwei Jahre in Spanien und seither hat sie wieder ihren festen Wohnsitz im schönen Bayern.

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