Cover: All Life Is Yoga: The Ideal Centre
Sri / Mother Aurobindo
All Life Is Yoga: The Ideal Centre
ISBN: 978-3-963-87161-0
109 Seiten | € 7.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Sri / Mother Aurobindo

All Life Is Yoga: The Ideal Centre

“Lord, we are upon earth to accomplish Thy work of transformation. It is our sole will, our sole preoccupation. Grant that it may be also our sole occupation and that all our actions may help us towards this single goal.” (The Mother) – “What one cannot do oneself one can get done by calling the Mother’s force. To receive that and let it work in you is the true means of success in the sadhana.” (Sri Aurobindo)

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Bewerbungsfrist bis zum: 03.10.2024