Cover: Employment Law for Startups
Jan Schnedler
Employment Law for Startups
- What you need to know as an Employer in Germany
ISBN: 978-3-982-36101-7
164 Seiten | € 24.90
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Jan Schnedler

Employment Law for Startups

What you need to know as an Employer in Germany

5.0/5.00 bei 2 Reviews - aus dem Web

This book gives a deep insight of the key practical issues of the German Employment Law, including: minimum wages, part-time, short-time, marginal- and fixed-term employment, bogus self-employment, home-office, certificate of employment, vESOP, freelance work, overtime pay, holiday, termination, inventions and copyrights of employees. Furthermore, the book explains how to hire first employees, students, interns, foreign employees and managing directors.
Finally, you find sample contracts, tips, checklists and an extensive glossary to understand the start-up language.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 24 cm / B 17 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 24.90
Preis ATEUR 25.60
Auflage1. Auflage
ReiheGerman Startup Law 2

Über den Autor

German Attorney Jan Schnedler heads the law firm Schnedler for technology
transfer and start-up law and is co-founder and Chief Legal Officer at the Artificial Intelligence Centre Hamburg. He is an arbitrator at the Czech Arbitration
Court, the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre and a certified data
protection officer since 2011. He has written several books about start-up law
and teaches at various universities and founded several start-ups.

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