Cover: King Archibald and the Gefühlsmonsters
Lilli Höch-Corona
King Archibald and the Gefühlsmonsters
- Little colorful creatures that no one has ever seen
ISBN: 978-3-384-01044-5
40 Seiten | € 19.99
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Lilli Höch-Corona

King Archibald and the Gefühlsmonsters

Little colorful creatures that no one has ever seen

5.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web

Does this sound familiar? A friend complains to you about a terrible other person - and somehow, as you listen, the impression arises in you that the friend also has a share in this problem ...

Who really wants to deal with their feelings, those often perplexing states that sometimes arise and give us a hard time? In a society where emotions are still often seen as unprofessional in adults, many people are not aware of their own feelings. Nor are they aware of the emotions they evoke in others. It's simply easier to get upset and annoyed with other people than to engage with what's going on within ourselves.
Dive deep into an enchanting tale that serves as a mirror to the organizational world, unraveling the mysteries of human emotions and their paramount significance. In this compelling guide, I draw from my rich experiences as an organizational consultant, revealing the perils that loom when leaders remain oblivious to their impact on others. Understand through vivid illustrations the pivotal role of a respectful, non-judgmental approach in catalyzing transformative change.

ourney alongside King Archibald, a monarch disgruntled with his subjects and personal life, as he seeks wisdom from a far-off land. But instead of finding the answers in the ways he anticipated, he encounters the enigmatic 'Gefühlsmonsters', whimsical beings that introduce him to the uncharted terrains of emotions he had long suppressed. Through challenges, successes, and setbacks, witness the metamorphosis of a king once blinded by pride, to one who learns to embrace the full spectrum of emotions.

This book isn't merely a tale. It's a masterclass in understanding emotions, both in professional settings and personal realms. As King Archibald learns, so will you: that true leadership and personal contentment lie in recognizing and respecting our innermost feelings. Whether you're already versed with emotional intelligence or just beginning to explore the subject, this narrative promises insights that can revolutionize your approach to relationships, leadership, and self-growth.

Equip yourself with the wisdom to foster healthier work environments and more meaningful personal connections. Let King Archibald's journey be your guide.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 205 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 19.99
Preis ATEUR 19.99

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