Cover: Manners are Back in Style
Bernd Friedrich
Manners are Back in Style
- Your Guide to Contemporary Etiquette
ISBN: 978-3-757-85182-8
184 Seiten | € 15.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Bernd Friedrich

Manners are Back in Style

Your Guide to Contemporary Etiquette

"Manners are Back in Style: Your Guide to Contemporary Etiquette" is a comprehensive journey into the realm of modern etiquette. The book seamlessly blends timeless traditions with present-day nuances to create a compelling guidebook for navigating various social scenarios with grace and respect. The guide is not about strict rules but about enhancing our relationships and interactions in a way that brings dignity to our lives and those around us.

Beginning with an exploration of basic manners, the book covers a broad range of everyday situations - from navigating public transportation and dining in restaurants to shopping in stores. It provides a thorough analysis of the unwritten rules governing these scenarios, helping readers better understand and implement the complexities of social etiquette.

The book also places a significant focus on the role of parents and schools in imparting manners and appropriate behavior to children and teens. The author meticulously addresses the challenges and opportunities in this essential task, providing useful insights for educators and parents alike.

A chapter dedicated to partnerships and marriage underscores the importance of communication, respect, and fair distribution of responsibilities. Conflict resolution, an inevitable part of any relationship, is also delved into, equipping readers with effective strategies for maintaining harmony.

The concluding section of the book centers on etiquette during special life stages such as pregnancy, childbirth, illness, and old age - phases that carry unique challenges and etiquette demands.

"Manners are Back in Style" is more than a guide; it is a celebration of respect, kindness, and consideration that lie at the heart of etiquette. Whether you wish to enhance your social interactions, or simply rediscover the joy of courteous behavior, this book promises to be an enlightening and engaging read. The author invites you to not just understand etiquette but to live it, thus fostering richer, more respectful interactions in all aspects of life.

Remember, etiquette is more than a set of rules; it's a universal language that connects us all. Welcome to a world where manners are back in style!

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 19 cm / B 12 cm / 202 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 15.99
Preis ATEUR 16.50
Auflage1. Auflage

Über den Autor

Dipl.-Bw. Bernd Friedrich, MBA ist ein österreichischer Sachbuchautor. Er studierte BWL mit Schwerpunkt Marketing in Wien. Zuvor besuchte er die Höhere Graphische Bundes-Lehr-und Versuchsanstalt mit dem Schwerpunkt Reproduktions- und Drucktechnik. Bernd Friedrich ist seit mehr als 30 Jahren für österreichische Druck- und Medienunternehmen tätig.

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