Cover: MS and healthy
Claudia Brunner
MS and healthy
- Scientifically proven recommendations for an active life with multiple sclerosis
ISBN: 978-3-347-72903-2
468 Seiten | € 24.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Claudia Brunner

MS and healthy

Scientifically proven recommendations for an active life with multiple sclerosis

5.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web

Live self-determined - even with multiple sclerosis!

The diagnosis can be frightening - but stick your head in the sand? Definitely not!
Because there are many possibilities and ways how you can lead a happy and self-determined life even with multiple sclerosis.
The only question is: where do I start? Which is the right path for me?

This book clearly shows what options there are in addition to conventional medicine to positively influence the course of the disease in multiple sclerosis and to take your own health into your own hands. All proposed measures are scientifically proven. They also have the power to enrich one's life beyond the illness.

Because MS is not the end, it is the beginning of a new chapter!

What awaits you:

* 9 Actionable Measure - "Healthy Living for a Healthy Living!"
The book shows 9 self-implementable measures that can positively influence the course of MS.
It summarizes the essence of several hundred scientific studies.
All recommendations are easy to understand and implement!

* A Personal Story - "From Diagnosis to Today"
Accompany the author through her own medical history.
You will find very personal insights from the diagnosis to experiences with fatigue and relapses, specially marked again and again throughout the book.

* Background knowledge - "Conventional medicine and lifestyle complement each other!"
Therefore, everyone affected should know about the disease and have access to information about treatment options. You will find chapters that explain MS, but also show various basic therapies and their effectiveness.
Use these chapters to deepen your understanding of MS and as a reference and basis for discussion with your doctor.

Brunner, Claudia

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Veröffentlichung: 02.01.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 670 g
Seiten 468
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 24.90
Preis AT EUR 24.90
ISBN-13 978-3-347-72903-2
ISBN-10 334772903X

Über die Autorin

Claudia Brunner a étudié ´business economics´ et la philosophie avant d'occuper un poste dans un cabinet de conseil en gestion bien connu après avoir obtenu son diplôme.

Le doctorat qui a suivi dans le domaine de l'économie d'entreprise a donné lieu à de nombreuses publications scientifiques. Plusieurs années de recherche ont suivi.

Diverses formations complémentaires, dont une sur les sciences nutritionnelles (« Nutrition Science ») à la Stanford School of Medicine, ainsi qu’une sur « Evidence-Based Optimal Nutrition » à la Harvard School of Public Health ainsi que « The Brain » et « Brain Health » à la Elle est également diplômée de la Harvard Extension School afin de préparer au mieux son projet de livre.

Aujourd'hui, Claudia Brunner travaille comme professeur et est mère de 3 filles.

Elle a reçu son diagnostic de SEP en 2009.

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