Cover: Our dreams...
Bernd Michael Grosch
Our dreams...
- ...really just foams?
ISBN: 978-3-758-47559-7
152 Seiten | € 15.99
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Bernd Michael Grosch

Our dreams...

...really just foams?

The question of whether dreams are just dreams cannot be answered with a clear YES or NO.
The human brain certainly processes events from the past during the night, which can be described
can be described as irrelevant for the future or our existence. But this is certainly not
the case with all our dreams. Humans are a part of nature and therefore also a part of natural forces - whether these are now known or unknown to us. Through this participation in our environment, we are connected to what some would like to call fate.
Whether we understand some connections or not, they are there and they are part of our very own self. Dreams can represent wishes, but they can also foreshadow actual future events without us, the dreamers, always recognising this. There is no question that there are so-called truth dreams, but not every dream should be seen outright as a preview of our future.
A dream should be seen as a reminder and a sign - not as an inevitable fate in itself that 'nothing can be changed anyway'.
A dream may show us the way to the well, but we have to go there ourselves to quench our thirst.
It should also be noted that some symbols have different meanings for the dreamer in different cultures.
different meanings for the dreamer.
In European culture, for example, the snake is seen as a bad omen, whereas in
India, for example, the cobra is an almost sacred symbol.

Grosch, Bernd Michael

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Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 407 g
Seiten 152
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 15.99
Preis AT EUR 15.99
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-758-47559-7
ISBN-10 3758475597

Über den Autor

Der Autor, Bernd Michael Grosch, geboren 1954 in Rheinland-Pfalz, sieht sich als eine Art 'Weltenbummler', der bereits 1973, im Alter von 18 Jahren zum ersten mal Deutschland verließ, um einen Gutteil der Erde und ihrer Bewohner kennenzulernen und fast neun Jahre in Indien zu leben. Die so gemachten Erfahrungen wurden zum Teil in mehreren Büchern verarbeitet.
Seit März 2009 lebt der Autor wieder in Deutschland.

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