Cover: Real Satisfaction is... A Disciple of Sri Chinmoy Shares His Experiences
Pranam Horlbeck
Real Satisfaction is... A Disciple of Sri Chinmoy Shares His Experiences
- Experiences and Inspirations on Pranam's Inner Journey
ISBN: 978-3-895-32345-4
120 Seiten | € 16.90
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Pranam Horlbeck

Real Satisfaction is... A Disciple of Sri Chinmoy Shares His Experiences

Experiences and Inspirations on Pranam's Inner Journey

Pranam, a disciple of Sri Chinmoy, uses many personal examples to tell how he finally succeeded in achieving inner contentment.
Pranam Horbeck had already become interested in meditation at the age of six, and after a profound experience through a meditation cassette, he began his search for a fulfilled life, which he finally found with his meditation master, Sri Chinmoy. Through his life he shows that an intense inner life and an eventful outer life can be very well combined. He leads a very active life and lets the readers participate in it, or inspires them to also embark on the search for their true fulfilment.

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Veröffentlichung: 10.05.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 23,5 cm / B 15,5 cm / 400 g
Seiten 120
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 16.90
Preis AT EUR 17.40
Auflage 127. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-895-32345-4
ISBN-10 3895323454

Über den Autor

Pranam started looking for higher values in his early childhood. His first approach was to earn lots of money as soon as possible, so that he would have time in later years to devote himself entirely to spirituality. But making money alone was diametrically opposed to his soul. Therefore, he looked for ways to live his inner longings and also to manifest in his outer life what corresponded to his inner values. He describes this fulfilling way of life in his book.

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