Cover: The Gentle Guide to a Plant-Powered Life
Michael Markens
The Gentle Guide to a Plant-Powered Life
- English Version
ISBN: 978-3-384-08096-7
188 Seiten | € 15.99
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Michael Markens

The Gentle Guide to a Plant-Powered Life

English Version

Discover in "The Gentle Guide to a Plant-Powered Life" a guide to a life imbued with health, ethics, and sustainability. Published by Gentle Vegan, this book is more than just a guide – it's an invitation to a transformative journey towards a more conscious self and a more responsible world.

At Gentle Vegan, we believe knowledge is the foundation for change. In this book, you'll find well-researched information that empowers you to make informed decisions for your lifestyle. Each chapter is filled with insights to help you optimize your diet, strengthen your body and mind, and lead a compassionate, mindful life.

Our approach is unique: we combine positivity, authenticity, and empathy to inspire you to choose conscious changes without giving up your individual style. Within our community, you'll find like-minded individuals who offer support, exchange, and inspiration. Together, we strive for a life that respects our health, well-being, and our planet.

Whether you're new to vegan living or have been practicing it for a while, "The Gentle Guide to a Plant-Powered Life" is suitable for everyone. We warmly welcome all, regardless of gender, origin, or background, and invite you to become part of our growing community. Step into a world where sustainable decisions, physical strength, and emotional intelligence go hand in hand.

Begin your journey with us and discover how enriching and powerful a life in harmony with the principles of Gentle Vegan can be.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 278 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 15.99
Preis ATEUR 15.99
ReiheGentle Vegan Guides

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