Cover: The Importance of Myth for a New Human Science
Rainer Höing
The Importance of Myth for a New Human Science
ISBN: 978-3-347-87754-2
132 Seiten | € 26.80
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Rainer Höing

The Importance of Myth for a New Human Science

The book focuses on the debate about myth as a counter-concept to contemporary scientific thinking. Is it possible to find perspectives in its field of meaning that are so incompatible with the current zeitgeist that they allow us to „step out“ of it and look at it „from the outside“? This is what is urgently needed. For the seemingly alternative-less materialistic way of thinking has the world firmly in its grip and has so far largely taken over any criticism without consequences. In the face of a development that is rushing towards ecological, economic and social abysses, we need a reflection, a radical critique that allows us to break free from the given constraints.

Höing, Rainer

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Veröffentlichung: 21.02.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 200 g
Seiten 132
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 26.80
Preis AT EUR 26.80
ISBN-13 978-3-347-87754-2
ISBN-10 3347877543

Über den Autor

Born in 1953. Studied education, sociology and psychology at the Philipps University of Marburg/Lahn in Germany. Graduated in education with honours. Studies on the practical usability and relevance of "esoteric" approaches and traditions. Training in physical radiesthesia an building biology measurement techniques. 40 years of geobiological counselling of people mainly with cancer. Research on the expansion and standardisation of geobiological counselling standards and on the phenomenon of worlwide planetary lines. Since 2020 active as an author with the aim of passing on his special knowledge to lay people and professionals.

Since his youth, the author has been drawn to that which connects man and nature in a mysterious way, an interconnectedness beyond all limitations. When he lost this root in the course of his intellectual development at the University of Marburg/Lahn, an illness led to the decisive turning point. The light in and behind things seized him with initiatory power. From then on, he followed the path to knowledge, independent of views, socially approved or religious beliefs.

With empathy and a critical eye, he seeks out insights and treasures where they are systematically ignored by a materialistically indoctrinated science. It is always about a down-to-earth, practicable and provable benefit for human beings and the impulse to become aware of the spiritual approaches to this world in a new way and to appreciate them.

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