Cover: Travel, learn, grow / Minimalism
Jan Wolter
Travel, learn, grow / Minimalism
- A journey to consciousness and practical life
ISBN: 978-3-756-55870-4
100 Seiten | € 10.80
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Jan Wolter

Travel, learn, grow / Minimalism

A journey to consciousness and practical life

During the composition of this book, the author travelled with a small belly bag and three dozen utensils, such as passport, smartphone, prayer beads and hygiene articles for 10 days through Scandinavia and back across the Baltic States, once around the Baltic Sea, back to the capital Berlin.
Exemplary minimal, and first of all, to underline what is written, the author says: Anyone can do that!
This book is conducted in a series called “Travel, learn, grow” with many other books in hand, we aim to help the individual to live a life plus. PLUS means peaceful living uniting spiritual and mundane.
Going green, living happy relationship and giving our soul the freedom to search.
It is inspired by countless individuals and projects around the world.
The author, a Bhakti-yoga practitioner, not only draws from seven years of world travel but of the wisdom texts of this world as well as from sages and saints whom one can trust.
Living an example and bringing food to the world, that is the mission.
In this instalment of travel, learn, grow special attention is given to renunciation and putting everything in the service of the good world, in God consciousness, one can do good for all.
This minimalistic approach more or less came spontaneously to the author and helped him to develop good habits.
With great help of master renunciates like monks and sages, the author followed along a journey of detachment and freedom to help others into a more conscious and holistic life. That is the practice of yoga. Plus, one can attain loving devotion to this perfect process of service to God, that in regards is called Bhakti.
Peace, Love and Unity in the Spirit for the World,
Amen, Om tat sat
Your humble author

Wolter, Jan

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 166 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 10.80
Preis ATEUR 10.80
Auflage2. Auflage
ReiheTravel, learn, grow 10

Über den Autor

Jan ist auch bekannt unter seinem spirituellen Namen Yaśomatīnandana dāsa.
Das ist Sanskrit und ein Dienertitel der Persönlichkeit Gottes, Kṛṣṇa. (lit. übers. der Diener (dasa) von dem Sohn (nandana) Mutter Yashodas (yashomati).
Dieser Titel wurde von einem spirituellen Meister des Bhakti-Yoga verleiht und dieser ist in der Linie Seiner Göttlichen Gnade A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, welcher die Welt mit vielen Schriften bereicherte.

Diesem Beispiel folgt der Autor und gibt authentisch Gedichte und persönliche Erlebnisse weiter, um Menschen zu inspirieren die spirituelle Reise zu wagen.

Der Autor ist momentan auf Reisen in Indien und lernt weiter die Heiligen Schriften, wie Srimad Bhagavad-Gitā und Bhagavatam kennen.

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