Cover: Travel, learn, grow / Soul Searching
Jan Wolter
Travel, learn, grow / Soul Searching
- In the heart of the traveller on the way to happiness
ISBN: 978-3-756-55528-4
92 Seiten | € 15.99
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Jan Wolter

Travel, learn, grow / Soul Searching

In the heart of the traveller on the way to happiness

Life is a search, but the search is a journey of the soulful living being. Whatever obstacles, bodies and events happen, the inner power of the soul keeps searching for the way back to God, back home. Home is where the heart is.

Life is a journey, which beautifully reveals a path to happiness with pictures, poems and stories, as well as mystical explanations, fantasy journeys and insights.
Life is a search, but the search is a journey of the animate being. Whatever obstacles, bodies and events happen, the inner power of the soul keeps searching for the way back to God, back home. Home is where the heart is.


Where there are questions there are answers, in one way we are all mediators of the one same message, in individual ways on this journey.

This journey is as unique as the unconditional free will of the living being. But what unites us all is the eternal, indestructible, transcendental soul.

This entity is absolute and a perfect, qualitative and original message of God in our life, heart and personality.

This uniqueness lays primordially as a source of life, consciousness and bliss within oneself.

This source is a seed of one’s eternal, conscious and blissful nature.

Both the personal origin of an individual and the ultimate goal are one.

Every journey is a soul journey, the search a soul search.

Every movement is a movement of the ensouled living being having an experience of birth, youth, old age and passing away in the world.

This journey is spiritual and wonderful, unique and beautiful.

Dear readers, come along.

Wolter, Jan

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Veröffentlichung: 03.12.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 317 g
Seiten 92
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 15.99
Preis AT EUR 15.99
Auflage 5. Auflage
Reihe Travel, learn, grow 1
ISBN-13 978-3-756-55528-4
ISBN-10 3756555283

Über den Autor

Jan ist auch bekannt unter seinem spirituellen Namen Yaśomatīnandana dāsa.
Das ist Sanskrit und ein Dienertitel der Persönlichkeit Gottes, Kṛṣṇa. (lit. übers. der Diener (dasa) von dem Sohn (nandana) Mutter Yashodas (yashomati).
Dieser Titel wurde von einem spirituellen Meister des Bhakti-Yoga verleiht und dieser ist in der Linie Seiner Göttlichen Gnade A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, welcher die Welt mit vielen Schriften bereicherte.

Diesem Beispiel folgt der Autor und gibt authentisch Gedichte und persönliche Erlebnisse weiter, um Menschen zu inspirieren die spirituelle Reise zu wagen.

Der Autor ist momentan auf Reisen in Indien und lernt weiter die Heiligen Schriften, wie Srimad Bhagavad-Gitā und Bhagavatam kennen.

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