Cover: The Investment
Kirsti Flat
The Investment
- a novel by Kirsti Flat
ISBN: 978-3-347-76326-5
120 Seiten | € 14.00
Kirsti Flat

The Investment

a novel by Kirsti Flat

The Investment

an invented story in the form of a relaxed and easy-to-read novel from the point of view of five fictitious investors in a crisis-ridden time caused by a long-lasting pandemic and a war in Europe that threatens the basic needs of people and thus the global economy.

Leonie, Petra, Bettina, Michael
and Jonas are the five sympathetic Investors.
Leonie studies beside her work as Layout-Designer.
Petra is texting for companies beside her work at the tax office.
You will not get to know the employment of Bettina, Jonas and Michael, but other details.

You are heartly invited to read my first novel
Yours, Kirsti Flat

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 19 cm / B 12 cm / 135 g
Art des MediumsBuch
Preis DEEUR 14.00
Preis ATEUR 14.00

Über den Autor

Kirsti Flat was born in 1972 in Germany.
'The Investment' is her first novel. The idea of this book developed during a time, as the world was suddenly confronted with a pandemic situation, followed by a crisis caused by a war in Europe. The questions, "Do I have to care for later?" and "Do I need more money?" became far more important than before in her life.

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