Cover: Unten am Fluss – »Watership Down«
Richard Adams
Unten am Fluss – »Watership Down«
- Roman | Ein ergreifendes Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft und die fesselnde Geschichte eines langen Weges in die Freiheit
ISBN: 978-3-550-20236-0
576 Seiten | € 26.99
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Richard Adams

Unten am Fluss – »Watership Down«

Roman | Ein ergreifendes Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft und die fesselnde Geschichte eines langen Weges in die Freiheit

»Dieses Buch hat es verdient, unsterblich zu werden.« Der Spiegel

Die weltbekannte Saga vom Exodus der Kaninchen. Das Thema könnte nicht zeitgemäßer sein, denn genau dort, wo sie leben, entsteht ein Neubaugebiet: Der junge Fiver spürt, dass seinem Volk das Verderben droht. Nur seine engsten Freunde kann er überreden, mit ihm den Kaninchenbau zu verlassen und sich auf die Suche nach einer neuen Heimat zu machen. Doch auch ein unerwarteter Gefährte schließt sich ihnen an. Was sie unterwegs durchleben, ist so beispielhaft wie fesselnd: zahllose Abenteuer, falsche Freunde, Meuterei, Verrat und Heldentum, Schlachten mit hohem Blutzoll – und schließlich der glückliche Einzug ins Land der Freiheit und des Friedens.

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Original TitelWatership Down
Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 22 cm / B 13,8 cm / 692 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 26.99
Preis ATEUR 27.80

Über den Autor

Richard Adams is Reader in Entrepreneurship at the Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship at Cranfield School of Management (UK). His research and teaching interests focus on responsible innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly in the context of start-ups, digital transformation and the sustainable organization. Richard is Specialty Chief Editor Blockchain for Good for the journal Frontiers in Blockchain and a Consulting Editor for International Journal of Management Reviews. His work has been widely published in international journals, including the International Journal of Operations and Production, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of Cleaner Production, Technovation, Research Technology Management, Strategic Change, and International Journal of Production Research. 

Dietmar Grichnik is Chair Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). As Co-Director he is part of the Global Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and was elected as Dean of the School of Management. He has published 12 books and more than 200 articles in leading journals such as Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, the Journal of Business Venturing, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, the Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, MIT Sloan Management Review, Research Policy and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He served as an associate editor for the R&D Management journal and reviews currently on the editorial boards of the Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices, among others.

Asta Pundziene is a Professor of Strategic Management and Organizational Psychology in the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania). She is also a visiting scholar at the Institute of Business Innovation, Haas Business School, UC Berkeley, since 2018. Asta has more than 15 years of experience in executive management of research and innovation at different universities serving as a dean and vice president of research and innovation. She co-founded Start-up Space, the first academic incubator in Lithuania, and built an entrepreneurship ecosystem. She is a founding editor of the Baltic Journal of Management. Asta published more than 40 papers in leading journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, California Management Review, European Journal of Innovation Management and others. She also leads national and international research and innovation projects in entrepreneurship and digital healthcare management.

Christine Volkmann is Chair Professor of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development and holds the UNESCO Chair of Entrepreneurship and Intercultural Management at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics at the University of Wuppertal. In 2011 she initiated the foundation of the interdisciplinary Jackstädt Research Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and has functioned as its executive spokeswoman since then. In 2018 she co-founded a university-wide, regional innovation lab. For several years she has been a jury member on Germany’s most prestigious entrepreneurial awards, such as the EY Entrepreneur of the Year and the Gründerpreis NRW. Christine Volkmann has served in a number of senior advisory positions, among which were the European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Research and UNCTAD and was appointed co-speaker of the German UNESCO chairs in 2019.


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