Arnold / Maag Huijgen
Calvinus frater in Domino
- Papers of the Twelfth International Congress on Calvin Research
ISBN: 978-3-525-54075-6
Seiten | € 150.00
Arnold / Maag Huijgen
Calvinus frater in Domino
Papers of the Twelfth International Congress on Calvin Research
The 16th century Reformer John Calvin is an outstanding personality. That’s why the international Calvin Congress convenes every four years to share insights in the theology and context of his person. Whether it is about the relation between Christianity and politics, Calvin’s interpretation of biblical texts or if it’s about Calvin, the systematic theologian whose concepts build a cornerstone for nowadays schemes – the papers collected in this volume will help for a better understanding of his significant person and thoughts.
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Veröffentlichung: | 09.03.2020 |
Art des Mediums | Buch |
Preis DE | EUR 150.00 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-525-54075-6 |
ISBN-10 | 3525540752 |
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