Cover: Training Manual for the german Military Police Resilience Concept (MP)
R-J. Gorzka
Training Manual for the german Military Police Resilience Concept (MP)
ISBN: 978-3-866-76833-8
83 Seiten | € 19.80
Buch [BA]
R-J. Gorzka

Training Manual for the german Military Police Resilience Concept (MP)

The wide range of tasks in the Bundeswehr requires skilled, efficient, and responsive personnel to be provided, trained, and promoted within all Bundeswehr major military organizational elements. This makes it all the more important to not only enhance and permanently maintain the physical fitness of the military personnel assigned but also their mental fitness. In psychology, the term ‘resilience’ is defined as the ability to cope with psychological challenges, thus enabling individuals to withstand adversity and high levels of stress without sustaining long-term psychological damage and/or to subsequently regain their mental health. For instance, it also steers the processes through which individuals come to terms with trauma.

The training manual is suitable as a basis for flexibly designing training modules within the scope of the resilience concept.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [BA]
Preis DEEUR 19.80
Preis ATEUR 20.40

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