Cover: Waging War and Making Peace
Matthew D'Auria
Waging War and Making Peace
- European Ways of Inciting and Containing Armed Conflict, 1710–1960
ISBN: 978-3-110-76481-9
418 Seiten | € 99.95
E-Book [Kindle]
Matthew D'Auria

Waging War and Making Peace

European Ways of Inciting and Containing Armed Conflict, 1710–1960

The history of Europe is marked not only by violence and division but also by efforts to reduce the destructiveness of war. In this volume, the authors explore the meaning of ‘Europe’ within war and peace discourses from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. They examine imagined wars, the post-1815 security order, the portrayal of Russian and Muslim 'Others,' double standards in international law, pacifist rhetoric, and the role of ‘Europe’ in war propaganda and resistance movements. The authors demonstrate how both war and peace practices have shaped the concept of ‘Europe’ over time.

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Art des MediumsE-Book [Kindle]
Preis DEEUR 99.95
Preis ATEUR 99.95
Auflage1. Auflage
ReiheHistory and Ideas 4

Über den Autor

Matthew D'Auria, University of East Anglia; Rolf Petri, University of Venice; Jan Vermeiren, University of East Anglia

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