Cover: Staging Restoration Comedy
David Roberts
Staging Restoration Comedy
- The Royal Shakespeare Company, 1967-2019
ISBN: 978-3-031-52209-3
90 Seiten | € 42.79
E-Book [Kindle]
David Roberts

Staging Restoration Comedy

The Royal Shakespeare Company, 1967-2019

Since its 1967 production of Vanbrugh’s The Relapse, the Royal Shakespeare Company has been the world’s leading producer of Restoration Comedies. This book is the first to document and critique the company’s history of engagement with that repertoire. It reviews the spaces in which productions have been performed, design principles, casting, voicing, textual adaptation, musical direction, actor perspectives, and the problems of how to confront, adopt or depart from received notions of Restoration style. It goes on to posit that, for all the RSC’s explorations of Restoration Comedy, the company has maintained the repertoire as a fringe interest played out in niche spaces, while recycling many of the assumptions it claims to challenge, and that what is needed is the writer-led intervention seen in RSC and National Theatre adaptations of French drama from the same period. Only then can Restoration Comedy begin to engage wider audiences in new sites of political, historical andcultural meaning.

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Veröffentlichung: 05.03.2024
Seiten 90
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 42.79
Preis AT EUR 44.00
ISBN-13 978-3-031-52209-3

Über den Autor

DAVID ROBERTS hat bereits zehn Bücher illustriert, darunter »Dirty Bertie« und »Cinderella: An Art Deco Love Story«. »Publishers Weekly« lobte »Cinderella«: Mit großer Liebe zu Detail und Ausstattung werden die bekannte Geschichte und die Zeit der Prohibition zum perfekten Team.« David lebt in London.

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