Cover: Footsteps in the Dark
Joshua G. J. Insole
Footsteps in the Dark
- Short Horror & Sci-Fi Stories Volume II
ISBN: 978-3-347-48862-5
308 Seiten | € 11.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Joshua G. J. Insole

Footsteps in the Dark

Short Horror & Sci-Fi Stories Volume II

Another collection comes from the three-time Reedsy winner, Joshua G. J. Insole. This second volume of horror and sci-fi explores the dark alleys of the mind once more.

A woman defends house and husband from the home’s eight-legged inhabitants. Two strangers discuss music’s finer points as cannibals try to break into their car. A gender-reveal party goes off the rails as the true nature of the infant comes to light. Thirteen women gather at night to right the wrongs of society. A mother takes shelter in the family treehouse as the world ends around her. And finally—

Wait. Do you hear that?


Footsteps in the dark.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 20,3 cm / B 12,7 cm / 375 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 11.90
Preis ATEUR 11.90

Über den Autor

Joshua G. J. Insole is a British writer who lives in the Austrian Alps. His favoured genres are horror and science fiction. Joshua — three-time winner of the Reedsy contest and author of several other shortlisted stories — published his first book, A Chance of Rain, in July 2020.

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