Cover: Crime and Art
Naomi Oosterman
Crime and Art
- Sociological and Criminological Perspectives of Crimes in the Art World
ISBN: 978-3-030-84856-9
284 Seiten | € 139.09
E-Book [Kindle]
Naomi Oosterman

Crime and Art

Sociological and Criminological Perspectives of Crimes in the Art World

This volume brings together work by authors who draw upon sociological and criminological methods, theory, and frameworks, to produce research that pushes boundaries, considers new questions, and reshape the existing understanding of "art crimes", with a strong emphasis on methodological innovation and novel theory application. Criminologists and sociologists are poorly represented in academic discourse on art and culture related crimes. However, to understand topics like theft, security, trafficking, forgery, vandalism, offender motivation, the efficacy of and results of policy interventions, and the effects art crimes have on communities, we must develop the theoretical and methodological models we use for analyses. The readership of this book is expected to include academics, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of criminology, sociology, law, and heritage studies who have an interest in art and heritage crime.

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Veröffentlichung: 05.11.2021
Seiten 284
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 139.09
Preis AT EUR 143.00
Reihe Studies in Art, Heritage, Law and the Market 1
ISBN-13 978-3-030-84856-9
ISBN-10 3030848566

Über den Autor

Dr. Naomi Oosterman is a permanent lecturer at the Department of Arts and Culture Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and an affiliated researcher at the Heritage under Threat research group; part of the LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development. Naomi finished her PhD dissertation titled "Policing the art world: Contradictions in International and National Perspectives" in 2019. Her research specialisations and interests are the policing of art and heritage crime, sociology of deviance, and the illicit trafficking of arts and antiquities. 

Dr Donna Yates is an Associate Professor in the department of Criminal Law and Criminology at Maastricht University. Her research is focused on the transnational illicit trade in cultural objects, art and heritage crime, and white collar crime. Yates has recently been awarded a €1.5 million European Research Council starting grant to study how objects influence criminal networks, with a particular focus on objects such as antiquities, fossils, and rare and collectible wildlife. She’s interested in what draws people to these “criminogenic collectibles”, how they interact with them, and how these objects may inspire crimes.

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