Cover: Bodies, Territories, and Feminisms: Latin American Compilation of Political Practices, Theories, and Methodologies
Delmy Tania Cruz Hernandez
Bodies, Territories, and Feminisms: Latin American Compilation of Political Practices, Theories, and Methodologies
ISBN: 978-3-838-21709-3
336 Seiten | € 34.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Delmy Tania Cruz Hernandez

Bodies, Territories, and Feminisms: Latin American Compilation of Political Practices, Theories, and Methodologies

This book is above all a commitment to encounter. Is the research result of a Working Group (Grupo de Trabajo) of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), which brings together people who study and research, but who, above all, carry out collective actions from social organizations to transform the reality of our continent. This character of thinking doing, or rather, of doing thinking, of the Grupo de Trabajo gives this text a peculiar cadence. A cadence that demands a collective and cooperative authorship. It is also a recovery of the struggles that precede us, the sutures of the loom of memory that patriarchal and colonial capitalism strives to pierce, and that is another of the powers of this book. The book invites to dismantle the patriarchal and colonial legacies embedded in the very foundations of hegemonic academic thought, and demonstrates the urgent need to understand this as a political task of the moment. It is organized into three main stations, which, like a train journey, can be travelled through sequentially from beginning to end, or entered randomly, stopping at one or another section according to the interests and concerns of the moment.

The volume’s contributors are Delmy Tania Cruz Hernández, Manuel Bayón, Alicia Migliaro González, Ana Lucía Ramazzini, Colectivo Magdalenas Uruguay—Teatro de las oprimidas, Cristina Cucurí, Cristina Vega, Dina Mazariegos García, Elvira Cuadra Lira, Eva Vázquez, Gabriela Ruales, Gabriela Veras Iglesias, Giulia Marchese, InÞigo Arrazola, Ivonne Yánez, Jonatan Rodas, Juliana Díaz Lozano, Lisset Coba, Lorena Rodríguez Lezica, Mariano Féliz, Mauricio Arellano Nucamendi, Melissa Moreano, Miriam García-Torres, Miriam Lang, Rosa H.G. Govela Gutiérrez (†), Rossana Cantieri Cagnone, Sofía Zaragocin, and Walda Barrios-Klee (†). Rosa Govela Gutiérrez and Walda Barrios-Klee died while the book was being edited.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 468 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 34.90
Preis ATEUR 35.80
ReiheCritical Studies on Latin America. Debates and Alternatives for Social Change 3

Über den Autor

Delmy Tania Cruz, PhD in Social Anthropology from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology and MA in Gender Studies in Quito (Ecuador). Currently collaborates at the Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Chiapas and the Southern Border at UNAM. She coordinates the working group Bodies, Territories and Feminisms of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). She is a member of Colectivo Miradas Críticas del Territorio desde el Feminismo and is co-founder of the community-based environmental organization no gubernamental (Women Transforming Worlds) based in Chiapas. In 2021 she coordinated the publication of the book Frontiers and Bodies against the Capital. Feminist and popular insurgencies in Abya Yala. Her papers have been published by, among other outlets Geo Pautas, Eutopía UNAM, Journal of Latin American Psychosocial Studies, Ecología Política.

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