Cover: Cal Caleido’s Curiosities / Cal Caleido’s Curiosities (Vol. 9) ... Fridays Énergie Nucléaire For Future ...
Cal Caleido
Cal Caleido’s Curiosities / Cal Caleido’s Curiosities (Vol. 9) ... Fridays Énergie Nucléaire For Future ...
- How's the water?!
ISBN: 978-3-759-80811-0
96 Seiten | € 49.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Cal Caleido

Cal Caleido’s Curiosities / Cal Caleido’s Curiosities (Vol. 9) ... Fridays Énergie Nucléaire For Future ...

How's the water?!

Man without Mind, Mind without Memory, Memory without Responsibility, Humanity without Enlightenment on her own account is likely to defy any kind of Memory Technology, for it can't substitute for human Consciousness and Conscience: – Disciples of Digital Nihilism – An Anatomy of Genocide | Harvest of Despair – Diff’rent Kind of Divided Self: Boreout | Burnout | Break | Depression! – Fridays Énergie Nucléaire For Future! | Let us begin with the usage of words first. It is important that in a community of language users, that words be used with the same meaning. If this condition is met, it facilitates the chief end of language which is communication. If one fails to use words with the meaning that most people attach to them, one will fail to communicate effectively with others. Thus one would defeat the main purpose of language. (John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding)

Caleido, Cal

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Veröffentlichung: 26.04.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 310 g
Seiten 96
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 49.00
Preis AT EUR 49.00
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Cal Caleido’s Curiosities 9
ISBN-13 978-3-759-80811-0
ISBN-10 3759808115

Über den Autor

"There is no right life in the wrong one" (Adorno), being an author doesn't suggest gaining fame on issuing popular "leaves of life".
Everyone, ought to be pursuing a decent profession serving the bold realities of our material and intangible needs.
Turning into a writer alongside, keeps evolving from an inner voice urging one not to be fostering the silent sounds of cowardice in the light of local and global tragedies going on, when almost everyone else tends to be conducting speechlessness, while advertising an easy conscience of being much too busy.
We need more people exercising cerebral momentum and behavioural impetus prompting everyday dedication serving education, enlightenment, social commitment, human fulfillment, intercultural tolerance and global peace.

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