Cover: Democracy and Africanness
Hannah Muzee
Democracy and Africanness
- Contemporary Issues in Africa’s Democratization and Governance
ISBN: 978-3-031-11248-5
233 Seiten | € 106.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Hannah Muzee

Democracy and Africanness

Contemporary Issues in Africa’s Democratization and Governance

This book examines the governance and democratization process in Africa, its history, trends, and prospects. Written by a diverse panel of experts, the book provides an intersectional and interdisciplinary analysis of Africa’s democratic environment. Chapters cover topics such as the evolution of democracy in Africa, electoral politics, gender, activism, human rights, and cultural diversity. Critically assessing the fit of democracy for African countries and offering strategies for the Africanization of democracy, this volume will be important for researchers and students interested in African politics, postcolonial theory, democracy, and governance.  

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ReiheAdvances in African Economic, Social and Political Development

Über die Autorin

University of Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a Ph.D. in Governance and Regional Integration from the Pan African University, Institute of Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the University of Yaoundé II Soa Cameroon, a Master of Human Resource Management from Makerere University and a Bachelors of Administrative and Secretarial Science from Kyambogo University, Kampala Uganda. Hannah’s  research interests lie in gender politics, deliberative democracy, feminism, human resource management, social media, and governance.

Andrew Enaifoghe is an enthusiastic researcher and presenter with strong research experience in social sciences and humanities. Through his research, he has learnt the ability to translate and contextualize complex research concepts and theories to a variety of audiences. His research interest is multidisciplinary, covering social sciences and humanities disciplines ranging from public administration, international relations, migration, participatory democracy and good governance. He has multiple peer-reviewed articles in accredited journal publications, books, book chapters and conference proceedings. His teaching and supervision experience include the supervision of students at the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA).

Tata Emmanuel Sunjo is a lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of Buea, Cameroon, where he has been a faculty member since 2015. He is equally a Governance and Regional Integration Fellow at the Nkafu Policy Institute with the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation in Cameroon. His research interests include climate change, management and use of natural resources, environmental politics and policy, and natural resources related conflicts. Dr. Sunjo is also an Associate Editor with the Journal of Resource and Environmental Management and the African Journal of Social Sciences in Cameroon. He is also a member of the Global Engagement Network on Internal Displacement in Africa (GENIDA).

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