Cover: Educational Strategies for Youth Empowerment in Conflict Zones
Nyla Ali Khan
Educational Strategies for Youth Empowerment in Conflict Zones
- Transforming, not Transmitting, Trauma
ISBN: 978-3-030-66228-8
203 Seiten | € 117.69
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Nyla Ali Khan

Educational Strategies for Youth Empowerment in Conflict Zones

Transforming, not Transmitting, Trauma

2.9/5.00 bei 2 Reviews - aus dem Web

This book offers fresh and exciting new directions of inquiry into the highly contentious issue of conflict resolution in South Asia. By shifting its gaze from a politics of division mired in ethno-nationalisms into a healing and restorative focus, the author moves the dialogue forward into the realm of community, healing, and shared governance. The book analyzes the major constitutional and political missteps that have led to the current situation of violence and distrust in countries such as India and Pakistan, keeping the focus on Jammu and Kashmir. This monograph will appeal to a wide range of audiences including academics, researchers, graduate students interested in South Asian politics, development, trauma studies, and peace and conflict studies.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 117.69
Preis ATEUR 120.99

Über den Autor

Nyla Ali Khan is a US-based academic, former Visiting Professor at the University of Oklahoma, and former Associate Professor at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, USA. She has taught courses on Postcolonial Literature and Theory, World Literature, Women’s and Gender Studies, and Women and Islam.

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