Cover: Financial Unorthodoxy
Andreas Niederwieser
Financial Unorthodoxy
- Practicable Views on Money, Banking and Investing
ISBN: 978-3-347-99685-4
220 Seiten | € 16.50
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Andreas Niederwieser

Financial Unorthodoxy

Practicable Views on Money, Banking and Investing

»Your financial acumen can help reprivatize our economies and have you become a force for good – no matter the scale.«

Personal sovereignty and independent thought are indispensable conditions for prosperity. They require knowledge and determination on the part of the individual. Financial Unorthodoxy seeks to provide you with the information needed to realize your potential as an autonomous actor in matters of finance and applied economics. We will explore fundamental topics such as the purpose of money, the relationship of fiat money and credit, the collusion of banks and governments as well as the tenets and markers of real wealth. Since free choice demands an understanding of the options provided, you will learn about different asset classes, investment approaches, diversification, performance measures, market mechanics and the basics of stock market analysis.

This book contains a mix of widely accepted theory and an interpretation of facts, which some may view as unorthodox. It constitutes a rejection of the most common commercial wisdom and intends to equip you with a set of skills that enriches your decision making.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 19 cm / B 12 cm / 237 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 16.50
Preis ATEUR 16.50

Über den Autor

I am a statistician by trade who takes a great interest in financial markets and economics. My first book, "Financial Unorthodoxy - Practicable Views on Money, Banking and Investing", was conceived in response to a perceived abdication of personal responsibilities in matters of private wealth management and economic thought. I hope to incite my audience to be critical of common financial wisdoms and, most importantly, think independently about their finances. To that end, I aim to provide facts and views on a variety of essential topics that every person should ponder at some point in their adult life.

I had not foreseen myself ever authoring a book, but personal circumstances afforded me the time and motivation to make it happen. Despite holding a degree in related subjects, I would consider my approach to economic writing rather unacademic. My knowledge is derived from personal experience and careful observation of that which seems to conveniently elude the trendsetters and potentates.

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