Cover: Foundations, Principles — an Inspirational Resources of Integral Politics
Elke Fein
Foundations, Principles — an Inspirational Resources of Integral Politics
- Plea for a paradigm shift in politics based on an integral consciousness
ISBN: 978-3-347-93960-8
400 Seiten | € 29.00
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Elke Fein

Foundations, Principles — an Inspirational Resources of Integral Politics

Plea for a paradigm shift in politics based on an integral consciousness

This book makes the point for a paradigm shift in politics based on an integral consciousness. Why? Politics as we know it is outdated. It lacks the tools, the operating system and the vision to address the challenges humanity is facing at the necessary speed and with the right priorities today. It seems that its very “operating system”, consisting of core assumptions about the world, motivational drivers, typical behaviors and instruments for decision-making and problem-solving as they have evolved from the early days of European parliamentarism, is no longer fit for purpose. While global mega-challenges call for cross-cutting cooperation and collective intelligence, our party systems continue to reward silo thinking, zero-sum competition and short-time, linear planning. So if politics as usual is outdated, what’s the alternative?
In view of reinventing politics by upgrading its operating system towards “integral”, this book presents the most important inspirational thinkers that have started to identify and describe the essence and implications of integral consciousness over the last hundred years. It harvests insights and learnings proposed by ten thought leaders and approaches, from Sri Aurobindo to Ken Wilber until Quantum Social Science. On this basis, it spells out the foundations, resources and core principles of an integral paradigm of understanding – and doing politics. Mapping out its added value as compared to the politics we know is a powerful invitation to rediscover our own agency and to actively engage in putting integral politics into practice.

Fein, Elke

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 709 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 29.00
Preis ATEUR 29.00
ReiheIntegral Studies

Über die Autorin


Dr. Elke Fein ist Politik- und Sozialwissenschaftlerin, Mitbegründerin und Geschäftsführerin des Instituts für integrale Studien (IFIS), und Dozentin am Zentrum für Schlüsselqualifikationen der Universität Freiburg. Sie promovierte 2005 in politischer Soziologie über die politischen Auswirkungen der fehlenden Aufarbeitung der Sowjetzeit im postsowjetischen Russland. Ihr besonderes Interesse als Forscherin gilt den Beziehungen zwischen Erwachsenenentwicklung, Politik und Gesellschaftsanalyse. 2013 initiierte und koordinierte sie das von der EU geförderte Projekt Leadership for Transition (LiFT), das zwischen 2019 und 2022 – als LiFT Politics – Aktionsforschung zu integral informierten Innovationen im Bereich der Politik betrieb, aus der dieses Buch hervorging.


Dr. Elke Fein is a political and social scientist, co-founder and executive director of the Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS,, and lecturer at the Center for Key Qualifications at the University of Freiburg (Germany). She received her PhD in political sociology in 2005 for her research on the political implications of post-Soviet Russia’s failure to publicly and politically get to terms with her Soviet past.

Her special interest as a researcher is to explore the relevance and relationship between adult development, politics, and social analysis. In 2013, she initiated and coordinated the EU-funded project Leadership for Transition (LiFT). Its action research on integrally informed innovations in politics conducted between 2019 and 2022 (as LiFT 3.0 Politics) is at the basis of this book.

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