Cover: International Law and Contemporary Global Challenges
Max Hilaire
International Law and Contemporary Global Challenges
ISBN: 978-3-832-55788-1
173 Seiten | € 39.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Max Hilaire

International Law and Contemporary Global Challenges

This book simultaneously sheds light on the most pressing global challenges facing humanity in the 21st century and pays tribute to President Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic, who had a great impact on the transformation of world politics in the 20th century. It examines in detail contemporary international issues such as climate change, mass migration, refugees, internal armed conflicts, great power rivalry, and regional political instability. It also underscores the increasing inability of the Westphalian model to solve complex transnational problems and calls for a new approach.

Included as a postscript is an extensive analysis of the resurgence of dictatorial regimes in many regions of the world and their attempt to undo the rules-based international order established after World War II. This trend is a setback for those who fought tirelessly to end the Cold War and to spread freedom and democracy to millions of people across the globe. Today that legacy is being challenged by autocratic regimes that see respect for human rights as a threat to their political survival.

International law is what unites us as citizens of the world; and only through international law and multilateral cooperation, can we address the global challenges examined in this book.

Hilaire, Max
Logos Berlin

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Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24 cm / B 17 cm / -
Seiten 173
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 39.00
Preis AT EUR 40.10
ISBN-13 978-3-832-55788-1
ISBN-10 3832557881

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