Cover: Polycentric Water Governance in Spain
Nora Schütze
Polycentric Water Governance in Spain
- Understanding Determinants, Patterns, and Performance of Coordination
ISBN: 978-3-839-46689-6
274 Seiten | €
E-Book [Kindle]
Nora Schütze

Polycentric Water Governance in Spain

Understanding Determinants, Patterns, and Performance of Coordination

Increasing irrigation efficiency has been high on the political agenda in Spain for many years. However, the overarching aim to reduce agricultural water consumption has not been met so far. To explore this phenomenon, Nora Schütze investigates processes of coordination between the water and agricultural sector in three Spanish river basins in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive implementation. From the perspective of polycentric governance, she identifies multiple mechanisms which illustrate how and why actors interact in certain ways, and thus shows why environmental aims of the Water Framework Directive remain unachieved.

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Art des MediumsE-Book [Kindle]
Auflage1. Auflage
ReiheEdition Politik 152

Über die Autorin

Nora Schütze (Dr. rer. pol.) is a research associate at Universität Kassel, where she also completed her PhD dissertation. Her research interests include natural resource governance with a particular focus on water and agriculture, as well as polycentric governance, policy analysis and institutional analysis.

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